Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

NOISE & RHYTHM: Harnessing Complexity in Medicine and Robotics

Posted on Apr 2, 2012 1:05:00 PM

NOISE & RHYTHM: Harnessing Complexity in Medicine and Robotics

Symposium - Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Sponsoring Institution: Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University

   This international symposium will focus on research and technology development based on non-linear dynamical systems and self-organizing behavior that are beginning to transform the fields of medicine and robotics. It is co-organized by Wyss core faculty members Jim Collins, Ary Goldberger, Don Ingber, Radhika Nagpal, Conor Walsh and Robert Wood.

Confirmed Speakers:

Joseph Ayers - Northeastern University

Paolo Bonato - Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard University

Robert Full - University of California, Berkeley (keynote)

Leon Glass - McGill University

Michael Goldfarb - Vanderbilt University

Eugene Goldfield - Wyss Institute, Children's Hospital Boston

Vijay Kumar - University of Pennsylvania

Arthur Kuo - University of Michigan

Radhika Nagpal - Wyss Instiute, Harvard University

Allison Okamura - Stanford University

David Paydarfar - Wyss Institute, UMass Medical School

Scott Turner - SUNY-ESF

 Friday, June 8, 2012,  8:15 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

        Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, Amphitheater, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur,

 Boston,  MA 02115

Contact Phone: (617-432-7895)

Contact Name: Jermaine Reid

Contact Email: (

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Tags: June, 2012, University Research, Massachusetts, Symposium, Boston, Research, Harvard, Robotics

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