Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Gordon Research Seminar on Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes

Posted on Feb 20, 2014 3:15:00 PM

Gordon Research Seminar: Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes

Seminar - Galveston, TX, United States

The Gordon Research Seminar on Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.

The focus of this meeting is to investigate the molecular machinery and mechanisms involved in delivering proteins across and into cellular membranes. This seminar will feature a diverse range of experimental systems and approaches, including cell imaging, genetics, structural biology, biochemistry, and biophysical techniques.

Organization: Gordon Research Conferences

SelectiveTransport ksm 2 1

(Courtesy of Transport proteins in the cell membrane, via

For more information, please visit:

8–9 March 2014
Hotel Galve, Galveston, TX

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Tags: 2014, membranes, Protein Research, March, Physiology, Biology, Molecular Biology, Protein, Membrane, Galveston, Seminar, Research, Life Science, TX

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