Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Keystone Symposia: HIV Vaccines - Adaptive Immunity and Beyond

Posted on Mar 6, 2014 2:05:00 PM

(X3) Keystone Symposia: HIV Vaccines - Adaptive Immunity and Beyond

Conference - Banff, Alberta, Canada

The conference will:
• Bring the cellular and humoral factions together to work on a holistic approach to HIV vaccination encompassing induction of antibodies to prevent infection, a safety net of CD8 T-cell responses to control viral replication in those hosts that do become infected, and CD4 T cell help for both effector arms;
• Seek a better understanding of the interplay of innate immune responses and the resulting adaptive response, as well as the signals that are crucial for the induction of long-lasting memory responses;
• Inspire attendees to tackle design of the next generation of HIV vaccines.

Session Topics:
• Portals of Entry and Sites of Dissemination (Joint)
• Programming Durable Immunity
• Inducing Protective Immunity
• Tackling Global HIV Diversity
• Novel Mechanisms for Vaccine-Induced Protection
• Engineering Protective Immune Responses
• From Concepts to Implementation
• Cellular and Genetic Therapies for HIV/AIDS (Joint)

Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology


(Courtesy of Keystone Symposia logo, via

(X3) Keystone Symposia: HIV Vaccines - Adaptive Immunity and Beyond

Sun, Mar 09, 2014 - Fri, Mar 14, 2014

Fairmont Banff Springs

Banff, Alberta, Canada

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Tags: 2014, science current events, HIV, vaccine research, infectious diseases, immunity, Canada, March, Medicine, keystone symposia, Life Sciences, Conference

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