Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Keystone Symosia: Cilia, Development and Human Disease

Posted on Jan 31, 2014 9:35:00 AM

(C1) Keystone Symosia: Cilia, Development and Human Disease

Conference - Tahoe City, CA, United States

The conference will:
• Cover cutting-edge, previously unpublished data on ciliary biology, including topics such as discrete parts of the ciliary apparatus and their role in assembly, disassembly and disease; the ciliary Transition Zone, the ciliary tip, and the role of the centriole in ciliary assembly/disassembly; the cilium, the cell cycle and the cancer cell; and the cilium as a secretory organelle sending signals outward;
• Focus on molecular mechanisms of ciliary proteins such as PKD1, PKD2 and Fibrocystin signal and investigate how this knowledge may be used to develop new ways to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and other ciliopathies;
• Bring together a diverse range of scientists to discover commonalities in fields, models, techniques and disciplines related to ciliary biology and disease.

Session Topics:
• Ciliary Structure, Formation and Resorption
• Left-Right Patterning and Hedgehog Signaling
• Vesicle Transport and Trafficking
• Therapeutic Advances in Treating Ciliopathies
• Cilia, Proliferation and Cancer
• Cystic Disease
• Signaling to and from the Cilium
• Protein Localization to Cilia


(Courtesy of Granlibakken Resort, CA, United States, via

(C1) Keystone Symosia: Cilia, Development and Human Disease

Sun, Mar 02, 2014 - Fri, Mar 07, 2014

Granlibakken Resort

Tahoe City, California, United States

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Tags: 2014, CA, March, Biology, United States, Development, Tahoe City, keystone symposia, Life Sciences, Conference

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