Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Keystone Symposia: Plant Signaling - Dynamic Properties

Posted on Jan 17, 2014 5:13:00 AM

(B1) Keystone Symposia: Plant Signaling - Dynamic Properties

Conference - Breckenridge, CO, United States

The conference will:
• Focus on the relationship between molecular-level events and their higher-order behavior, comparing the properties of signaling systems in diverse species, including non-plant examples;
• Cover a range of common signaling features, including switching between on and off states, the control of specificity, robustness in an unstable environment, and modulation of the sensitivity of the system by its activity or by external factors;
• Bring together leaders in plant signaling biology with computational modelers and synthetic biologists to develop a holistic understanding of the properties of plant signaling systems.

Session Topics:
• Signal Sensitivity and its Modulation by the Environment
• Signal-Regulated On-Off Switches, their Reversibility and Resetting
• Signaling Robustness in a Noisy Environment
• Specificity and Integration in Signal Transduction
plus a workshop on themes emerging from the poster sessions

Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology

LrgPhoto BeaverRun

(Courtesy of Beaver Run Resort, Breckenridge, CO, via

(B1) Keystone Symposia: Plant Signaling - Dynamic Properties

Wed, Feb 05, 2014 - Mon, Feb 10, 2014

Beaver Run Resort

Breckenridge, Colorado, United States

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Tags: 2014, Plant science, United States, February, keystone symposia, Breckenridge, Life Sciences, Conference, CO

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