Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Plant Dormancy Symposium 2013

Posted on Oct 30, 2013 6:06:00 AM

Plant Dormancy Symposium 2013

Symposium - Auckland, New Zealand

Plant dormancy, with all its complexities, is gradually being teased apart by recent advances in the molecular, physiological and morphological aspects of its biology.

This symposium, the fifth in a series – following those in Oregon, USA, 1995; France, 1999; The Netherlands, 2004 and Fargo, USA, 2009 – is an excellent opportunity to bring together international experts and emerging scientists with an interest in this exciting field of plant biology.

The overall goal of this symposium is to provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on dormancy in plants and the development of new scientific collaborations. it will encompass the latest findings in the mechanisms of plant dormancy in vegetative buds, seeds and other meristems from a variety of experimental plant systems ranging from agronomic, horticultural and tree crops to model plants.

Programme Themes
•Seed and bud dormancy
•Genetics and genomics
•Interaction with the environment
•Ecology and evolution

Organization: Plant and Food Research


(Courtesy of Dormancy, via

Plant Dormancy Symposium 2013

Mon, Nov 04, 2013 - Thu, Nov 07, 2013

Hilton Hotel

Princes Wharf, 147 Quay Street, Auckland, New Zealand

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Tags: 2013, November, Plant science, Physiology, Symposium, Evolution and Ecology, New Zealand, Life Sciences, Genomics, Genetics

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