Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Research Laboratory Marketing Event at Fred Hutch in Seattle

Posted by BCI Admin on Wed, May 01, 2013

Lab suppliers and equipments manufacturers are invited to participate at this upcoming Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, research laboratory marketing event in Seattle.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013
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Research Event Photos
Consider the following funding statistics regarding Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle:


NIH 2011 Ranking: 21st (Direct plus indirect costs but excluding R & D contracts and ARRA awards) = $239,311,617 [1]

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC) employs three Nobel Prize winners, is responsible for ground braking discoveries in cancer research, and has an annual research budget close to $400 million.

Nearly $17 million was awarded to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for projects focusing on colon cancer biomarker discovery, and breast and ovarian cancer biomarker validation. [2]

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center received two grants with a total value of $10.1 million from the National Institutes of Health to obtain a high-performance computing cluster and to establish a campus-based facility for the safeguarding and consolidation of research data. [3]

Fred Hutch has received $4.8M in new NIH funding for stem cell research to study the effect of a patient's DNA on the outcome and success of a stem cell transplant. (see our blog:

Fred Hutch has received $1M in new cancer research funding from the W.M. Keck Foundation. (see our blog:

Fred Hutch recently acquired a new building to house offices and labs and expand the Center's infectious disease, immunotherapy, and solid tumor research capabilities. (see our blog:

In addition to three Nobel Laureates, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center doctors and scientists include a MacArthur Fellow, six members of the National Academy of Sciences, four members of the Institute of Medicine, four members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and eight current and former Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center is affiliated with the University of Washington, Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. The Center has 200 research groups in four scientific divisions.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has pioneered many lifesaving cancer research breakthroughs. The institution is the only comprehensive cancer center in Oregon and Washington. Although it receives ample funding from federal research grants, many large donations come from private sponsorship.


Register by: 7/23/2013 for Early Registration Pricing


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[1] Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research, Ranking Table of NIH Funding (by Institution) to US Medical Schools in 2011,
[2] From FHCRC news,
[3] From FHCRC news, May 25, 2010,

Tags: 2013, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington, Hutch

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