Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Annual Scientific Meeting ASM 2012

Annual Scientific Meeting ASM 2012

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Tags: 2012, scientific research, July, Research Meeting, Australia, scientific conference

Sydney International Breast Cancer Research Congress

Sydney International Breast Cancer Congress

 Congress - Sydney, Australia

The SIBCC will bring together Australian health professionals and international registrants, for an innovative, multidisciplinary conference. We are also bringing together Australia's leading medical, nursing and breast cancer groups, including BreastSurg ANZ, the Australasian Society for Breast Disease, the Australian New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Cancer Australia, the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia and the McGrath Foundation.

(Photo courtesy of

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 to Friday, October 26, 2012

Darling Harbour, Darling Dr., Locked Bag 14, Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia

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Tags: cancer research, 2012, Congress, Australia, October, Sydney

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