Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Biology of Cilia and Flagella - FASEB Science Research Conference

Posted on May 30, 2015 11:44:00 PM

Conference - Snowmass Village, CO, United States
This FASEB Science Research Conference focuses on the remarkably dynamic nature of mammalian genomes and the phenotypic impact thereof. Topics will include both mechanistic and evolutionary aspects of a wild jumble of diverse retrotransposons, endogenous retroviruses and DNA transposons, as well as their interactions with the epigenome and endogenous machinery of DNA repair and rearrangement. These elements are not just a major genome component but also a significant contributor to genomic diversity in the form of structural variation, increasingly recognized as a major contributor to human genetic disease. While the germ line is a well-known hotbed of activity of mobile genetic elements, there is increasing evidence for mobility in normal mammalian soma such as stem cells and neuronal tissues, as well as in cancer, autoimmune diseases and aging. Moreover, new insights are being gained into the role of mobile elements in shaping gene regulatory networks, particularly in stem cells. Finally, engineering of mobile elements as tools has provided new abilities to manipulate and query mammalian and other genomes. Due to their activity in stem cells, and as regenerative medicine enters the realm of clinical reality, it becomes critical to understand and control mechanisms of genome variation, which can have unpredictable negative consequences on stem cell products to be used for therapy. A significant number of oral presentations will be selected from the abstracts, and the selected talks, poster presentations, and recreational activities will provide students and postdoctoral fellows opportunities to exchange ideas and formulate new collaborations.
Sun, Jul 19, 2015 - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
Base Village Conference Center
Snowmass Village, United States
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Tags: cell biology, July, Biology, United States, Molecular Cell Biology, Research Conference, 2015, Life Sciences, science research, CO

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