Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

IEEE BigDataService 2015

Posted on Feb 21, 2015 6:44:30 AM

Conference - San Francisco Bay, CA, United States
Big Data computing and services is becoming a very hot research subject and popular application topics in both research and industry communities. The IEEE BigDataService2015 aims to provide a great platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange the innovative ideas, lasts quality research results, as well as practice experience and lessons on Big Data computing services and diverse applications. BigDataService2015 will be held from March 30th to April 2nd in 2015, in San Francisco Bay, California USA, in conjunction with other IEEE Sponsored high-quality international conferences, such as IEEE SOSE2015 and IEEE Mobile Cloud 2015. Its major objectives include Big Data Oriented Innovation, Big Data Service and Sharing, and Big Data Applications and Analytics. The conference program will consist of both research tracks and application tracks. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following tracks.
Organization: San Jose State University
IEEE BigDataService 2015
Mon, Mar 30, 2015 - Thu, Apr 02, 2015
Hotel Sofitel, San Francisco Bay, USA
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Tags: CA, March, April, United States, 2015, Engineering, Conference, San Francisco Bay Area

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