Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

9th Annual Primary Care Spring Conference 2015: Session I

Posted on Feb 20, 2015 8:13:40 AM

Conference - Palm Coast, FL, United States
Presented by Continuing Education Company for the past 23 years, our Primary Care CME Conference Series is designed to update primary care clinicians in rapidly changing therapeutic areas. The emphasis is on practical and useful information for clinical practice. This year, the 9th Annual Primary Care Spring CME Conference is being held for the fourth time at the beautiful Hammock Beach Resort, one of Florida's newest premier oceanfront properties. A $200 million destination resort, the resort is situated on 2.4 miles of pristine beach frontage just south of St. Augustine, America's oldest city.
Due to the popularity of this location as a family CME destination during Spring recess, this conference will be held during two week-long sessions, offering healthcare professionals flexibility when making their travel plans.
Organization: Continuing Education Company
Mon, Mar 30, 2015 - Fri, Apr 03, 2015
Hammock Beach Resort
200 Ocean Crest, Palm Coast, United States
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Tags: March, April, Medicine, United States, Health Care, 2015, FL, Palm Coast, Life Sciences, Conference

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