Meeting - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
The Symposium will include 12/13 oral sessions and 2/3 poster sessions covering the latest research in diverse areas of cognitive neuroscience.Most of the talks will be given by invited speakers but we may select a few talks from openly submitted abstracts. Social events throughout the Symposium provide ample opportunity for informal interactions and will include a wine-and-cheese party, a beach picnic, cocktails and banquet, and departure brunch.
Motor Systems
Sensory Processing
Innate Circuits
Learning & Memory Systems
Behavioral Ethology & Evolution
Perceptual Decision-Making
Face and Object Recognition
Language and Communication
Number Cognition
Cognitive Control
Probabilistic Brain & Uncertainty
Cognitive Genetics
Dysfunction & Treatment
Social Neuroscience
Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
79th CSHL Symposium: Cognition
Wed, May 28, 2014 - Mon, Jun 02, 2014
CSHL Campus, Cold Spring Harbor, United States
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