Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2016 (InPACT 2016)

Posted on Apr 13, 2016 6:23:36 AM


Conference - Lisbon, Portugal

The goal for this conference is to offer a new approach to the discussion and presentation of the psychological science nowadays. We expect to engage and interact with authors and researchers from various countries, cultures and fields in the area. We provide the answer to expose new quality developments in research and theoretical findings in Applied Psychology. Some main areas are chosen and divided in more detailed sub-themes (see below), not omitting other topics regarding groundbreaking contributions that might benefit attendees at the conference.


Organization: WIARS - World Institute for Advanced Research and Science
International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2016 (InPACT 2016)


Sat, Apr 30, 2016 - Mon, May 02, 2016
Praça Marquês de Pombal, 8, 1269–133, Lisbon, Portugal
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Tags: April, May, Lisbon, Portugal, Conference, Psychology, 2016

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