Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

International Continence Society 45th Annual Meeting

Posted on Jul 21, 2015 5:15:00 AM

Conference - Montreal, Canada
The 45th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society will be held in Montreal, Canada, 6-9th October 2015, 10 years after the last ICS Annual Meeting in the city. Renowned speakers from across the globe will travel here to one of Canada’s major cities to share their latest research results and discoveries on issues faced in daily practice. This international event will bring together physicians, physiotherapists, nurses, physiologists, scientists and other professionals, who all have an interest in issues affecting all sectors related to continence, pelvic floor, and urinary tract functions.
Organization: ICS 2015 Annual Meeting Secretariat
Tue, Oct 06, 2015 - Fri, Oct 09, 2015
Palais des Congrès
159 Rue Saint Antoine Oues, Montreal, Canada
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Tags: Canada, Medicine, Research Meeting, October, Montreal, 2015, Health Science, Life Sciences, Conference

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