Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Genomics and Clinical Microbiology - Wellcome Trust Advanced Course

Posted on Dec 12, 2014 8:12:27 AM

Course - Cambridge, United Kingdom
The analysis of bacterial genomes is revolutionising clinical microbiology, and the clinical microbiologists of the immediate future will have to process and interpret data very different from that provided by agar-centric clinical microbiology laboratories. This course combines practical hands-on laboratory and bioinformatics work with faculty lectures by, and discussions with, leaders in this exciting and expanding area. The principal aim is to equip clinical scientists, specialist registrars, and consultants in medical microbiology (including joint medical microbiology and infectious diseases) with sufficient understanding of these areas to meet these challenges in the future. The course will concentrate on techniques that are currently practicable in diagnosis treatment monitoring, public health and hospital epidemiology and will examine the application of whole genome sequence analysis to clinical microbiology practice.
The course will cover a range of cutting edge diagnostic techniques including:
Design of real time PCR tests for pathogen detection
Real time PCR to detect multiple pathogens
Whole genome sequencing (WGS)
Mycobacterial typing methodologies
Molecular bacterial load assays
Sequence-based typing
PCR-based typing
Bioinformatics and data interpretation
Organization: Wellcome Trust
Genomics and Clinical Microbiology
Sun, Jan 18, 2015 - Fri, Jan 23, 2015
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Tags: Microbiology, infectious diseases, United Kingdom, Biology, January, 2015, Health Science, research course, Cambridge, Genomics, Genetics, Life Science

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