Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Genetic Control of Immune Cell Activation. Implication for Autoimmune Disease

Posted on Jun 15, 2015 6:10:06 AM

Workshop - Henningsvær, Norway
The overall objective of this workshop is to identify the most promising pathways for future research within genetic control of immune cell activation.
An important aim is also to promote contacts between young and experienced European scientists involved in research on various aspects of immune cell biology and autoimmune disease, in order to form a basis for future international collaborative efforts.
This is also the Vth Nordic Meeting on Genetics and Pathogenesis of Immunological Disease
At the workshop, leading European and transatlantic investigators that are involved in research on immune cell biology, including antigen recognition, immune cell activation and differentiation, will meet with leading European researchers that are involved in the elucidation of genetic susceptibility of different autoimmune diseases. It is hoped that this encounter will generate collaborative projects aiming at identifying mechanisms for how particular immunregulatory genes contribute to immunological diseases.
Organization: University of Oslo
Thu, Aug 20, 2015 - Mon, Aug 24, 2015
Dreyersgate 99, Henningsvær, Norway
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Tags: Immunology, University Research, Cell Research, Workshop, August, Genetic, 2015, genetic research, Norway, disease research, Life Sciences

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