Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Future of Biomedicine 2015

Posted on Jun 22, 2015 11:32:00 PM

Conference - Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Biomedical sciences are growing at an amazing pace. Future of Biomedicine 2015 (FOB 2015 is the specialized meeting for the scientists working in this area.
FOB 2015 aims to foster international collaborations and multi-disciplinary research in genomics, cell biology, and biomedical technologies. Our sessions will be focused on molecular medicine, genetic and epigenetic studies, stem cells and development, chromosomes, cell behavior and extracellular matrix, and bioactive compounds and polymers. We also plan to have a forum for young scientists (Future of Biomedicine Young 2015, FOBY 2015) and business forum included in the program.
FOB 2015 gives an opportunity to scientists and graduate students of different fields of biomedical sciences to share ideas and discuss latest results, achievements, and discoveries with leading specialists and biomedical industry leaders. FOB 2015 offers plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions, roundtable discussions, and time for the networking activities. Besides, we plan to include an exciting social program and sightseeing.
FOB 2015 conference will be held at the School of Biomedicine, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia, from September 2nd to 7th, 2015. Usually during this period the weather is beautiful and the sea is warm in Vladivostok. The conference will be organized in the novel university campus, which is perfectly integrated within the natural landscape. FEFU campus is located on the Russky Island, which links with the continental Vladivostok via the amazing cable-stayed bridge – longest bridge of this type in the world.
Organization: Far Eastern Federal University
Wed, Sep 02, 2015 - Mon, Sep 07, 2015
Far Eastern Federal University campus
Ajax Village, Russky Island, Vladivostok 690000, Russian Federation
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Tags: biomedical research, University Research, September, Molecular Cell Biology, 2015, Russia, Life Sciences, Conference

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