Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Diabetes and Metabolic Dysfunction - Keystone Symposia Conference

Posted on Dec 20, 2014 4:03:48 AM

Conference - Santa Fe, NM, United States
This meeting addresses several cutting-edge aspects of molecular, cellular, tissue and integrative system metabolism that account for the metabolic defects that occur in diabetes and obesity. Several of these themes overlap with the joint meeting on "Mitochondria, Metabolism, and Heart Failure." The concurrent sessions will address distinct and novel aspects of normal and dysregulation muscle (skeletal and cardiac) intracellular signaling, mitochondria function/dynamics, aging and energy balance. Leaders in each of these respective areas will not only address basic and integrative mechanisms in model systems, but several will address these issues in human pathology.
Organization: Keystone Symposia
Tue, Jan 27, 2015 - Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Santa Fe Community Convention Center
Santa Fe, United States
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Tags: biomedical research, Diabetes, United States, Metabolism, January, 2015, February, keystone symposia, Santa Fe, NM, Life Sciences, Conference

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