Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Neural Systems & Behavior - Marine Biological Laboratory Course

Posted on May 30, 2013 3:17:00 AM


Course - Woods Hole, MA, United States

This is an intensive eight-week laboratory and lecture course focusing on the neural basis of behavior. The course is intended for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and independent investigators. Limited to 20 participants.

This course provides broad training in modern approaches to the study of neural mechanisms underlying behavior, perception, and cognition. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and projects, students investigate neural systems at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels using state-of-the-art techniques. The eight weeks are divided into two-week cycles, providing participants with an in-depth familiarity with several different experimental model systems. In the first cycle, students study a simple invertebrate model system to develop general experimental skills in electrophysiology, neuroanatomy, and quantitative analysis of physiological and behavioral data. In subsequent cycles, students work on a series of different preparations, providing them with a breadth of knowledge in the field. The list of experimental model systems is updated year-to-year, but always includes a diverse array of vertebrate and invertebrate preparations, chosen to illustrate key concepts and novel techniques in the field. The goal of the course is to expose students to diverse approaches to the investigation of the neural basis of behavior.

Neural Systems and Behavior Course - Marine Biological Laboratory

Sat, Jun 01, 2013 - Sun, Jul 28, 2013

Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, United States

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Tags: 2013, science current events, June, July, Woods Hole, US, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, researchers, MA, Neurology, laboratory, Lecture

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