Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

4th Zing Nucleic Acids Conference 2014

Posted on Nov 30, 2014 3:43:11 AM

Conference - Cancun, Mexico
Nucleic acids – DNA and RNA – encode and transmit genetic information in the cell. But they are also structural, regulatory, and can even behave like enzymes. DNA is a repository of genetic information and must be accurately copied once and only once in each cell cycle. Structurally it has to be packaged into chromosomes yet accessible when required. DNA is subjected to recombination that creates diversity and leads to evolution, while it must remain intact and undergoes repair when damaged. RNA by contrast is the ‘working substance’ of genetics and a truly versatile molecule. It is a messenger that goes between DNA and protein, the scaffold for building complex functional machines such as the ribosome, a molecular switch responding to small molecules, and a key player in complex regulatory events. RNA can even accelerate chemical reactions by a million fold or more. Understanding processes involving DNA and RNA at the molecular and chemical level is the major theme of this conference.
Organization: Zing Conferences
Fri, Dec 05, 2014 - Tue, Dec 09, 2014
Omni Cancun Hotel & Villas
Blvd Kukulcan KM. 16.5 Mz 53 Lote 48 Zona Hotelera, Cancun, Mexico
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Tags: 2014, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Research Conference, December, Mexico, Cancun, Life Science

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