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Hormonal Control of Circuits for Complex Behaviors: Conference Janelia Farm Research Campus

Posted on Aug 25, 2013 12:48:00 AM

Hormonal Control of Circuits for Complex Behaviors

Conference - Ashburn, VA, United States

Hormones and neuromodulators play an important role in adjusting behavior to match the physiological and developmental needs of an organism, but the underlying neural circuits are not well understood.  This conference will draw on both vertebrate and invertebrate systems to examine the mechanisms by which circulating molecules influence the neural circuits that control complex behavior.  We will combine speakers at various levels of analysis from behavior to circuits to molecules and utilizing different physiological and developmental systems.  The aim will be to assess the state of the field and, through a comparative approach, establish common themes and novel approaches.


(Courtesy of brain‑circuits, via

Hormonal Control of Circuits for Complex Behaviors

October 27, 2013 - October 30, 2013

Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA, US

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Tags: 2013, VA, cell biology, US, October, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, Life Sciences, Conference, Research

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