Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Life Science Symposium 2013: Motor control - from neural circuits & diseases to neuroprosthetics

Posted on Aug 6, 2013 12:17:00 AM

Motor control - from neural circuits and diseases to neuroprosthetics

EPFL SV- Life Science Symposium - Lausanne, VD, Switzerland

Every year the School of Life Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) holds a major international symposium on its campus: the EPFL Life Science Symposium (LSS).

This year's edition, the LSS2013, will be organized by the Brain Mind Institute (BMI). It will take place August 28th-30th, 2013 in Auditorium SG1 (SG building) under the title "Motor Control - from neural circuits and diseases to neuroprosthetics".

This two and a half-day event is structured around several aspects of motor control that will each feature several high profile speakers from around the world:

motoneurons and spinal cord circuits
motor cortex
motor planning and action selection
basal ganglia & Parkinson's disease
neuroprosthetics & brain machine interfaces


(Courtesy of Brain–computer interface, Neuroprosthetics, via

Further details:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013 - August 30, 2013

EPFL - Brain Mind Institute, Auditorium SG1 (SG building),

Lausanne, VD, Switzerland

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Tags: 2013, Parkinson's Disease Research, infectious diseases, brain research, Medicine, August, Symposium, Switzerland, Life Sciences, Life Science

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