Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

International Conference on Green Energy and Technology

Posted on Aug 9, 2013 5:39:00 AM

International Conference on Green Energy and Technology

Conference - Kitakyushu, Japan

The International Conference on Green Energy and Technology (ICGET) welcomes you to submit your research findings and experiences related to green/renewable energy and green technologies. The conference will have Invited Speakers from academia and industry, Technical Sessions, Exhibitions and Panel Discussion – through which – the ICGET will explore and discuss various issues that are related to the theme of this workshop. The motto of this Workshop to share and discuss cutting-edge issues on green energy and technologies, as well as, to share ideas on how we can move from the experiences of advanced parts of the World towards the developing regions, and work together for a better World

Topics of Interest (not limited to):

•Green Energy
•Solar Energy, Wind Energy, etc.
•Green Technologies
•Energy-saving Technologies
•Green Growth – Policy, Laws, Pilot Projects, etc.
•Social, Political & Economic Aspects on Green Growth
•Green/Clean Technologies in Industry & Business Sectors
•Green ICT
•Energy-efficient/aware Computing, Networking & Data Centers
•Sustainable Bio-energy Issues
•Green Growth for Technologically-unreached People

Organization: Center for Natural Science & Engineering Research (CNSER)


(Courtesy of International Conference on Green Energy and Technology logo, via

International Conference on Green Energy and Technology

Sat, Aug 24, 2013 - Mon, Aug 26, 2013

University of Kitakyushu, Kitagata campus, Kokura, Kitakyushu, Japan

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Tags: 2013, Physics, August, Japan, Engineering, Conference, Research, Energy, current technology events, science research, science current event

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