Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

INTECOL 2013 - British Ecological Society Congress

Posted on Aug 1, 2013 8:57:00 AM


Conference, Meeting - London, United Kingdom

The BES invites the world's ecologists to London in 2013 to celebrate our centenary and look towards the future of our science. We are working hard to make this congress exciting, innovative, important and fun with lots of opportunities to meet new people and get new perspectives. We hope you share our excitement and want to get involved.

'Ecology: Into the next 100 years' is a major international ecological congress which combines the BES Annual Meeting with the 11th INTECOL Congress to celebrate the BES centenary in 2013. The theme of the congress is 'advancing ecology and making it count'. This reflects the ambition of the BES to present world class ecology at a meeting that truly moves the science forward. The congress is the centre piece of the Society's Festival of Ecology centenary celebrations. The congress programme will include 10 world class plenary speakers, symposia featuring major keynote lectures, submitted abstract sessions and extended poster by Text-Enhance">slots. Other major features will be innovative ways for presenting and communicating science, and a programme structured so there are many opportunities to meet people. This congress will give delegates a new perspective on a wide range of ecological topics and help establish new collaborative partnerships.


(Courtesy of INTECOL 2013: The International Association for Ecology, via


Sun, Aug 18, 2013 - Fri, Aug 23, 2013

ExCel Centre, One Western Gateway, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2013, science current events, evolution research, UK, Congress, August, London, Evolution, Evolution and Ecology, Life Sciences, Conference, Ecology

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