Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Detect, Prevent and Control Healthcare Data Breaches - Webinar

Posted on Jun 2, 2013 9:37:00 AM

Detect, Prevent and Control Healthcare Data Breaches

Webinar - Fremont, CA, United States

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a wonderful concept that serves many uses. Along with related activities like sharing digital medical records, implementing cloud computing, and engaging in social media; EHR has made life a lot easier. Unfortunately, like most other technology-driven ideas, these have some serious flaws, if they are implemented incorrectly.

The most serious of these is data breaches containing Protected Health Information (PHI). The risks, gravity and frequency of breaches seem to be increasing of late. This poses healthcare providers serious questions they must answer, such as:

o Can we afford a data breach that can lead to loss of reputation and revenue?

o How can we know that patient data has been stolen?

o What are the symptoms of a data breach?

o Where should our mitigation efforts be focused?

Participants of this webinar will be able to learn about crucial topics ranging from recognizing symptoms of a breach and breach diagnosis to analysis of a security incident and notification requirements. This session will cover the following areas:

o Breach overview

o Causes of breach

o Symptoms of a breach

o What do you do if you suspect a breach?

o How to minimize breach impact?

o Key takeaways


MentorHealth logo, via


Thursday, June 6, 2013  10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (PDT)

Fremont, CA, US

If you'd like to ask a question or post a comment about this talk please do so below.

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Tags: CA, 2013, June, Educational Event, US, Healthcare, Healthcare Quality, Fremont

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