Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Mouse Development, Stem Cells & Cancer: Intensive Laboratory & Lecture Course

Posted on Apr 9, 2013 5:39:00 AM

Mouse Development, Stem Cells & Cancer

Intensive Laboratory & Lecture Course - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, United States

This intensive laboratory and lecture course is designed for biologists interested in using mouse models to study mammalian development, stem cells and cancer. Lectures provide the conceptual basis for contemporary research in embryogenesis, organogenesis, embryonic, adult and induced pluripotent stem cells and cancer biology. Laboratory practicals provide extensive hands-on introduction to engineering of mouse models, phenotyping and stem cell technologies. Experimental techniques to be covered include isolation, in vitro culture and manipulation of pre- and post-implantation embryos, embryo transfer, genetic manipulation of embryonic stem cells, production of chimeras by embryo aggregation and by embryonic stem cell injection, and transgenesis by pronuclear microinjection. The course will also introduce the generation and differentiation of embryonic stem cells as well as induced pluripotent stem cells, isolation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts, focus formation assay, teratoma formation assay, time-lapse microscopy of early embryos and organ cultures. In addition, this year's practicals will feature increased emphasis on phenotypic analysis of mutants, including vibratome and cryosectioning, in situ hybridization, immunostaining, skeletal preparation, tissue recombination, confocal and ultrasound imaging.

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(Courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor, NY, via

Mouse Development, Stem Cells & Cancer

June 5 - 25, 2013

 CSHL Campus, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

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Tags: 2013, Stem Cells, June, Cancer, US, Cold Spring Harbor, Life Sciences, NY, laboratory, Lecture, research laboratories

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