Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

16th Annual Conference on Vaccine Research

Posted on Feb 11, 2013 2:31:00 PM

16th Annual Conference on Vaccine Research

Conference - Baltimore, Maryland, US

The Annual Conference on Vaccine Research provides high-quality, current reports of scientific progress featured in both invited presentations and submitted oral abstracts and posters. By drawing upon an international audience of scientists and researchers, healthcare professionals and trainees, veterinarians, vaccine manufacturers, and public health officials, the conference organizers aim to encourage the exchange of ideas across a broad range of disciplines.

Conference Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the conference, participants will be able to:

-Discuss recent scientific advances contributing to the progress of vaccine development
-Identify research opportunities and scientific challenges associated with vaccine development, production, and distribution

Target Audience:

Epidemiologists; health economists; immunologists; microbiologists; molecular biologists; nurses; nurse practitioners; pharmacologists; physicians and physicians in training; post-graduate fellows; public health officials; researchers and scientists; vaccine, diagnostic, and device manufacturers; and veterinarians

220px Aerial View of Baltimore Marine Center Inner Harbor and Lighthouse

(Courtesy of Inner Harbor Baltimore, Maryland, via

16th Annual Conference on Vaccine Research

April 22-24, 2013

Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

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Tags: 2013, Medical Research, Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, vaccine research, Biotechnology Current Events, veterinary medicine, April, US, Healthcare, MD, Baltimore, Conference, Biotechnology, Drug Development

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