Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Plant-Based Research Course on Data Resources and Tools for Plant-Omics

Posted on Jan 5, 2013 1:32:00 PM

AllBio Course on Data Resources and Tools for Plant-Omics

Course - Hinxton, United Kingdom

This practical course will provide an overview of data resources and tools for plant scientists, with an emphasis on managing and analysing large-scale datasets from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metagenomics projects. It will bring together lead researchers in the field of plant bioinformatics, experts in biological data resources, and a highly motivated group of experimental researchers through a common theme centred on plant-based research.

Owing to the practical nature of the course, and to optimise interactions, group activities and tutorials, we will accept a maximum of 30 students.
The course is aimed at early-stage researchers, and participants will be selected by a scientific committee in consultation with AllBio.


(Courtesy of European Bioinformatics Institute, via

AllBio Course on Data Resources and Tools for Plant-Omics

Mon, Feb 18, 2013 - Fri, Feb 22, 2013

European Bioinformatics Institute

Cambridge, CB10 1SD, Hinxton, United Kingdom

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Tags: Science, United Kingdom, Plant Bioinformatics, Life Sciences, Cambridge, Genomics, Research

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