Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Interdisciplinary Symposium 2013: Gene to Target - Target to Function - Function to Clinic

Posted on Dec 18, 2012 9:48:00 AM

Interdisciplinary Symposium 2013: Gene to Target - Target to Function - Function to Clinic

Symposium - Hamburg, Germany

Elucidating the genetic and molecular etiology of chronic inflammatory diseases of barrier organs, is a major challenge of modern medicine. Following the initial discovery and description of the first disease genes, a number of important molecular pathways have been implicated in disorders such as Crohn´s disease, asthma, psoriasis and sarcoidosis.

However, genetic susceptibility accounts for a small fraction of overall disease susceptibility. Epidemiological data suggests that genetic diversity, some of which may have been protective in the past, now interacts with the modern living conditions of industrialized nations and leads to chronic inflammation. This modern concept has spawned intense research activity on the interactions between the environment, resident microbes and the immune system as well as the biology of epithelial barrier function to identify disease mechanisms

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(Courtesy of Congress Center Hamburg, Germany, via


February 22, 2013 to February 23, 2013

Congress Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

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Tags: 2013, Medical Research, germany, Symposium, Genetic, Hamburg, February, Life Sciences, Genetics

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