Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

3rd Annual Scientific Forum - international translational health science research

Posted on Nov 14, 2012 10:41:00 AM

3rd Annual Scientific Forum

Forum - Saudi Arabia

Welcome to our award-winning event where clinical decision academicians and medical researchers intermingle with the endeavor of in-depth sharing of the latest medical research findings. This, along with international speakers, various workshops, and a myriad of scientific programs and abstracts, is the recipe to our success every year. Come and be part of this innovative convention on November 20th-2lst 2012.

Todays Question. Tomorrows Answer

We are an international translational health science research institution that believes in creating a knowledge-based society through our channel of extraordinary human talent.

Organization: King Adbullah International Medical Research Center

 Tue, Nov 20, 2012 - Wed, Nov 21, 2012

Saudi Arabia

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Tags: science current events, November, Medical Research, cancer research, 2012, Cancer, Saudi Arabia, Health Science, Life Sciences, science research

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