Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Post-GWAS Horizons in Molecular Epidemiology: Digging Deeper into the Environment

Posted on Nov 6, 2012 4:06:00 AM

Post-GWAS Horizons in Molecular Epidemiology: Digging Deeper into the Environment

Conference - United States

Educational Session 1: Digging Deeper: New Approaches to Assaying Biospecimens in Epidemiology

New assays, old specimens: Multiplexing for plasma and urine

Patrick M. Sluss, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

New specimens: Buccal cells, nasal swabs, fecal samples

David G. Cox

New assays, old specimens: Telomere length and activity

Jennifer A. Doherty, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH

Educational Session 2: Computational Horizons in High-Dimensional Data

Searching for GxE interactions in genome-wide association studies

David V. Conti

Identification of tumor-associated cassette exons in human cancer through exon-array and RNA-Seq data analysis

Graziano Pesole, CNR-IBBE, University of Bari, Bari, Italy

Integrative approaches for understanding the functional relevance of cancer susceptibility loci

Brooke L. Fridley, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS

Novel Post-GWAS Tools and Molecular Technologies

Session 2: Challenges in Post-GWAS Studies

Session 3: The Exposome: Using Technology to Define Exposures

Session 4: It’s a Small World: Microbiome, Viruses, and Bacteria

Session 5: Resources for Molecular Epidemiology: Potential and Successes

Panel Discussion: Gene-Environment: Where Do We Go from Here?

Professional Advancement Session: Meet-the-Speaker Roundtables

Session 6: The ‘Omics of Exposure

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(Courtesy of

Sun, Nov 11, 2012 - Wed, Nov 14, 2012

Westin Diplomat Resort and Spa, Hollywood, FL

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Tags: November, cancer research, cell biology, 2012, US, Environment, FL, biology research, Hollywood, Conference, current science events, scientific conference

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