Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

ITMAT International Research Symposium, University of Pennsylvania

Posted on Oct 13, 2012 1:16:00 PM

ITMAT 7th Annual International Symposium, University of Pennsylvania

Symposium - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States

The Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) was launched in early 2005; the first institute of translational medicine in the world. Originally housed in the School of Medicine, within which it spans all Departments and Divisions, ITMAT has now expanded to include investigators focused on clinical and translational research in all schools at Penn, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the Wistar Institute, the Monell Institute and the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.

This year's Symposium will focus on four areas; (i) Global Approaches to Translational Medicine; (ii) Translational Therapeutics; (iii) The Inidividualization of Therapy and (iv) Systems Pharmacology.

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(Courtesy of

Tue, Oct 16, 2012 - Wed, Oct 17, 2012

Pereleman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Translational Research Center Auditorium , 3400 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, United States

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Tags: University of Pennsylvania, Medical Research, Pharmacology, 2012, University Research, US, October, Philadelphia, Life Sciences, current science event, current science events

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