Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Herrenhausen Symposium on Metastasis

Posted on Oct 4, 2012 8:58:00 AM

Herrenhausen Symposium on Metastasis

Symposium - Seeon, Germany

What are the most important problems to overcome to make progress in the field of metastasis? Nature Medicine, in consultation with the research community, has identified a series of roadblocks to translational research on metastasis. A subset of leaders in the field will attend the Herrenhausen Symposium and participate in an interdisciplinary discussion that will point in the direction of solutions to the greatest challenges that the field of metastasis faces.

The symposium will be a closed event. In addition to the invited speakers, 10-15 attendees will be chosen to participate on the basis of their application for admission. Preference will be given to young and early-career investigators (assistant professors, lecturers, research associates, postdoctoral researchers and clinical fellows) who are currently working in related areas.


Mon, Oct 08, 2012 - Thu, Oct 11, 2012

Kloster Seeon, Seeon, Germany

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Tags: Medical Research, Translational Research, 2012, germany, Symposium, October, Life Sciences, Research, Event, life science researcher event

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