Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

International Scientific Conference on Schizophrenia

Posted on Sep 19, 2012 2:32:00 AM

International Conference on Schizophrenia

Conference - Chennai, India

CONS 2012 features a faculty of distinguished national and international speakers.

What began as a small experiment ten years ago has led to a series of successful conferences held every two years – The year 2012 will hold the 5th ICONS. 2004, 2006, 2008 & 2010,

The theme for 2012 is

"Working towards recovery"

IConS has had about 400 delegates from over a dozen countries including: Switzerland, Canada, UK, USA, Hong Kong, Italy, Iran, Sri Lanka, Australia, Pakistan, Norway, New Zealand, Romania and India, ranking it among the best scientific conferences in the world.

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(Courtesy of IConS V of SCARF)

Fri, Sep 21, 2012 - Sun, Sep 23, 2012

Hotel Taj Connemera, Binny Road, Chennai, India

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Tags: Medical Research, 2012, scientific research, September, India, Chennai, Life Sciences, scientific conference

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