Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

CESAR 2012 - Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials & Antimicrobial Resistance

Posted on Sep 3, 2012 11:10:00 AM

Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance - CESAR 2012

  Symposium - Primosten, Croatia

The program of CESAR 2012 is extended with topics complementary to antimicrobial resistance.

The participants will also have a chance and opportunity to present and discuss their scientific achievements and knowledge not only in the development of antimicrobial resistance, but also in the development of new antimicrobial drugs, their effectiveness, rational use of existing and new antimicrobial chemotherapeutics, and unmet medical need for new antimicrobials.

We all know that antimicrobial resistance increases and spreads daily. That antimicrobial drug development does not keep pace with this rising problem. If we do not succeed in learning to control and to effectively fight the resistant microbes, we will have to learn to live in a world without effective antimicrobial drugs and effective treatment of infective diseases. Are we ready for that? This problem has to be addressed properly now, more than ever before. One should take care of usage on market available antimicrobials and prioritize the development of potent and effective new antimicrobial drugs.

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(Courtesy of

September 23 - 26, 2012

Hotel Zora, Primosten, Croatia

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Tags: Medical Research, scientific research, September, Development, Symposium, Croatia, Research

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