Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Research Meeting UK: Cardiac & Respiratory Physiology

Posted on Aug 21, 2012 9:18:00 AM

Cardiac & Respiratory Physiology Themed Meeting

 Conference - Manchester, UK

This event includes a focused symposium on 'New Insights into the molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias: from animal models to computations'

Organisers: Ming Lei (University of Manchester), Henggui  Zhang  (University of Manchester) and Christopher Huang (University of Cambridge)

The Meeting will bring together scientists working on Cardiac arrhythmias in a variety of research fields. It will represent a broad range of interests that will encompass not only experimental, most recently genetic model, systems, but also clinical applications. These will involve an interdisciplinary range of biophysical, physiological, genetic and computer modelling approaches. It will therefore stimulate lively discussion across research boundaries and facilitate collaborative ventures between research groups in the UK and abroad.


(Courtesy of

Tue, Sep 04, 2012 - Thu, Sep 06, 2012

Hulme Hall, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

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Tags: 2012, University Research, UK, animal science, September, Symposium, Manchester, Research Meeting UK, Life Sciences, Research, Event, research scientists

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