Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Medical Research and Experimental Mammalian Genetics

Posted on Jul 9, 2012 1:16:00 AM

53rd Annual Short Course on Medical and Experimental Mammalian Genetics

Course - Bar Harbor, ME, US

This two-week course includes daily lectures in the mornings and evenings supplemented by afternoon mini-symposia, workshops, tutorials, poster session, and demonstrations. There is special emphasis on student-faculty interaction. The faculty is diverse in terms of disciplines and the students in terms of stage of career and fields of concentration. This diversity makes for an exciting experience for all. Although the course schedule is quite full, there is time set aside to enjoy the natural beauties of Mt. Desert Island.

The content of the annual Short Course focuses on (1) an up-to-date presentation of genetics in experimental animals and humans, (2) the relationship of heredity to disease in experimental animals and humans, and (3) the importance of molecular genetics in the diagnosis and treatment of inherited disorders. The development and uses of modern techniques in bioinformatics, mathematical genetics, genome manipulation, mutagenesis and phenotyping are taught in lectures and in afternoon workshop sessions. The Short Course includes an implicit focus on translational biology and clinical applications.


Sun, Jul 15, 2012 - Sat, Jul 28, 2012

The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, US

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Tags: Bioinformatics, genome research, 2012, animal science, July, US, ME, Bar Harbor, biology research, Life Sciences, laboratory, Lecture

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