Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Biology Research - Chromatin: From Structure to Epigenetics

Posted on Jun 18, 2012 3:47:00 PM

Chromatin: From Structure to Epigenetics

Conference - Strasbourg, France

This 2-day conference will link chromatin structure with epigenetics. The aim is to use chromatin structure and dynamics as foundations to understand epigenetics. The first session will be devoted to structural aspects covering the main biochemical and biophysical aspects of chromatin structure. The second session will bridge these two areas, and focus on studies using chromatin structure/dynamics to explain epigenetic phenomena. Session 3 will concentrate on epigenetic phenomena in vivo. This meeting aims to build a bridge between chromatin structure and epigenetics - two key pillars of modern biology.

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(Photo courtesy of

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 to Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Strasbourg, France

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Tags: Bioresearch, June, 2012, France, Strasbourg, biology research, Conference, Research

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