Recoding: Reprogramming Genetic Decoding
Workshop - Killarney, Ireland
The EMBO Workshop will deal with both natural and synthetic recoding – reprogrammed genetic decoding. Both the meaning of individual codons and the framing of the readout process can be dynamically modified by information in specific messenger RNAs, thereby enriching gene expression. The events can be regulatory and/or lead to additional types of product. Some of the latter have the non-universal amino acids selenocysteine or pyrrolysine. Productive transcribing RNA polymerase slippage also contributes to products arising from alternative frames. The workshop will deal with this “Recoding” phenomenon which is essential for understanding the organization and expression of genes in viruses and all organisms. One aspect of the workshop will be ongoing efforts to synthetically expand the repertoire of types of encoded amino acids. Approaches to manipulate levels of several cases of natural recoding will also be addressed
Organization: EMBO
(Courtesy of EMBO Workshop: 'Recoding: Reprogramming genetic decoding' venue, via /
Recoding: Reprogramming Genetic Decoding
Tue, May 13, 2014 - Sun, May 18, 2014
Lake Hotel, County Kerry,
Killarney, Ireland
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