Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

2nd Annual Plant Genomics Congress

Posted on Apr 1, 2014 12:20:00 PM

The 2nd Plant Genomics Congress - London

Congress - London, United Kingdom

Since the first Plant Genomics Congress was held in London in May this year nearly 700 people have attended this series of events – which were also held in the USA and Asia. Every meeting has been acclaimed for the content and quality of the presentations as well as for the dynamic exchange of research and ideas between academia and industry.

The Plant Genomics Congress family of events have become the "go to" meetings for experts working in all areas of plant sciences, next generation sequencing, genomics, epigenetics, bioinformatics and data management.

The 2014 London conference will examine the latest NGS platforms and technologies suitable for progressing plant based research in aspects such as molecular marker development, crop/trait improvement, breeding, hybridization, conservation, evolution studies and pathology. Presentations concentrate on, but are not limited to plant, crop and forestry research ranging from wheat, barley, maize and rice to potato, tomato, arabidopsis, spruce and ash. You will not want to miss this world class gathering.

Organization: Global Engage


(Courtesy of The Plant Genomics Congress logo, via

The 2nd Plant Genomics Congress - London

Mon, May 12, 2014 - Tue, May 13, 2014

London Heathrow Marriott Hotel

Bath Road, Hayes, London Heathrow, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2014, United Kingdom, Plant science, Congress, May, London, Life Sciences, Genomics, Research

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