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Psychiatric Genetics: Pathways and Prospects

Posted on Feb 11, 2014 3:49:00 PM

Psychiatric Genetics: Pathways and Prospects

Conference - London, United Kingdom

Mental illness represents a major problem for affected individuals, for their loved ones, and for society at large. Many mental disorders have a substantial genetic component, but until recently very little consistent data existed regarding the underpinnings of these complex and multifactorial conditions.

As more and more robust genetic risk variants are identified, we are now beginning to understand the physiological mechanisms that go awry in psychiatric disorders, and therefore how we might treat them more effectively. Now is an opportune time to reflect on recent successes within the field of psychiatric genetics, to delineate ways to move forward, and to consider the impact of the discipline across many diverse sectors of society.

Organization: The Genetics Society


(Courtesy of The Royal Society, London, United Kingdom, via

Psychiatric Genetics: Pathways and Prospects

Fri, Apr 04, 2014 - Fri, Apr 04, 2014 (09:00 to 19:00)

The Royal Society

6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2014, United Kingdom, April, London, Research Meeting UK, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics

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