Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

27th Annual UCSF Course on Pharmacokinetics for Pharmaceutical Scientists

Posted on Dec 28, 2013 1:29:00 PM

27th Annual UCSF Course on Pharmacokinetics for Pharmaceutical Scientists

Course - San Francisco, CA, United States

This five-day fundamentals course will emphasize basic principles in pharmacokinetics. Presentations will be delivered via lectures and multiple small-group workshops.

The first three and one-half days of this limited-enrollment course will be devoted to essential pharmacokinetic parameters and how they are employed to summarize and predict temporal relationships. The balance of the course will focus on elective topics.

Clearance Concepts
Distribution and Intravascular Bolus Kinetics
Constant Rate Input
Absorption Concepts and Kinetics
Renal and Hepatic Elimination
Multiple Dose Regimens
Integration of Kinetic Concepts
Mean Residence Time
Bioavailability, Multicompartment PK, and/or Variability
PK/PD Modeling, Nonlinear PK, Macromolecule PK, and/or PK in Clinical Practice

Organization: UCSF Dept of Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences


(Courtesy of Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF, via

27th Annual UCSF Course on Pharmacokinetics for Pharmaceutical Scientists

Mon, Feb 10, 2014 - Fri, Feb 14, 2014

Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF

1675 Owens Street, San Francisco, CA 94158

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Tags: 2014, CA, Scientists, Pharmacology, United States, pharmaceutical, February, San Francisco, Life Sciences, UCSF

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