(A7) Keystone Symposia: Mechanisms and Consequences of Invertebrate-Microbe Interactions
Conference - Tahoe City, CA, United States
The conference will:
• Host scientists ranging from molecular biologists to evolutionary ecologists and studying diverse aspects of invertebrate-microbe interactions in different systems (e.g., squid, leeches, flies, nematodes, bees);
• Develop a comprehensive understanding of host-microbe interactions, which is integral to limiting the ability of organisms, particularly insects, to spread diseases that impact human health and destroy crops;
• Integrate mechanistic, genomic, ecological and applied approaches.
Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology
(Courtesy of Plant–microbe–insect interactions, via onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
(A7) Keystone Symposia: Mechanisms and Consequences of Invertebrate-Microbe Interactions
Sun, Jan 26, 2014 - Thu, Jan 30, 2014
Granlibakken Resort
Tahoe City, California, United States
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