Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Keystone Symposia: Obesity - A Multisystems Perspective

Posted on Dec 18, 2013 5:22:00 AM

(J2) Keystone Symposia: Obesity - A Multisystems Perspective

Conference - Vancouver, Canada

The conference will:
• Discuss the latest discoveries on the role of multiple organ systems in the process of energy homeostasis and obesity, including the role of the central nervous system and white adipose tissue (WAT) depots, WAT development, brown fat, the microbiome, gut-brain signaling and circadian rhythms;
• Evaluate the impact of bariatric surgery and other treatments, as well as the latest genetic approaches to both common and rare syndromic obesity;
• Bring together a diverse array of leading scientists from the US, Europe and Japan to talk about breaking discoveries spanning a very broad array of physiological processes relevant to obesity and its treatment.

Session Topics:
• Development of Adipose Tissue
• Role of Brown Adipose Tissue in Thermogenesis and Glucose Uptake (Joint)
• Mechanisms Underlying the Efficacy of Bariatric Surgery (Joint)
• Role of the Gut Microbiota in Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
• Genetics of Obesity and Metabolic Traits
CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis
• Circadian Rhythms, Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
• All Kinds of -kines
plus workshops on topics including “Obesity Drug Discovery” and “Hypothalmic Development and Maternal Effects”

Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology


(Courtesy of Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, via

(J2) Keystone Symposia: Obesity - A Multisystems Perspective

Sun, Jan 12, 2014 - Fri, Jan 17, 2014

Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

Vancouver, Canada

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Tags: 2014, Diabetes, Canada, Metabolism, January, Vancouver, keystone symposia, Life Sciences, Conference

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