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Towards Artificial Cells: Novel Advances in Bottom-Up Cell Design & Construction

Posted on Nov 23, 2013 10:43:00 AM

Towards Artificial Cells: Novel Advances in Bottom-Up Cell Design and Construction

Symposium - London, United Kingdom

This meeting will focus on the emerging area of artificial cells and the construction of biologically-inspired modules using bottom up approaches. Synthetic Biology is an emerging area of science offering exciting possibilities in exploring the interfaces of Chemistry, Biology and Engineering systems; current approaches in this field focus on re-designing existing systems or combining existing modules. However the construction of such modules from scratch offers an exciting alternative where a fundamental understanding of the engineering principles that underlie cellular function can be manipulated to design bespoke biological systems. This meeting will review the current state of the art in areas ranging from artificial proteins and membranes to synthetic cells, and will define the problems and prospects for this next-generation technology.

Organization: The Institute of Physics


(Courtesy of The Institute of Physics, London, via

Towards Artificial Cells: Novel Advances in Bottom-Up Cell Design and Construction

Wed, Nov 27, 2013 - Wed, Nov 27, 2013

The Institute of Physics

76 Portland Place, W1B 1NT, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2013, November, synthetic biology, United Kingdom, Biology, Physics, Symposium, Chemistry, London, Biophysics, Research Meeting UK, Engineering, Life Sciences

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