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21st DYMAT Technical Meeting/High-speed imaging for dynamic testing of materials & structures

Posted on Nov 12, 2013 1:07:00 AM

21st DYMAT Technical Meeting/High-speed imaging for dynamic testing of materials and structures

Conference - London, United Kingdom

An understanding of the dynamic behaviour of materials is essential for informing structural performance for e.g. crashworthiness, manufacturing capability, blast mitigation. Numerical simulation has seen spectacular progress with the advent of faster and cheaper computing power. However, such computations require detailed material models for which parameters have to be identified experimentally.

Currently, a major revolution is occurring with the availability of inexpensive and good quality digital cameras that allow the imaging of materials and structures at high speeds. However, there are still significant challenges in aspects such a sensor uniformity and reliability; the conference will explore emerging research in this area including high speed infra-red imaging to obtain temperature evolutions alongside the deformation data. The potential for scientific and industrial progress in this field is huge and it is envisioned that testing procedures at high strain rates will be revisited in-depth based on imaging. The non-contact and full-field aspect of the data collection are of upmost importance for flexible materials such as polymers and composites. The objective of this meeting is to gather some of the world leading figures in this field to exchange scientific information and foster international collaboration on this very timely and exciting topic. The meeting will take place over three days in single session format to allow maximum interaction between speakers and audience. The conference will also include interactive poster sessions, an exhibition of high speed camera manufacturers and a round table session on current challenges and future developments in high speed imaging.

Organised by: IOP Applied Physics and Technology Division and the European Association for the Promotion of Research into the Dynamic Behaviour of Materials and its Applications (DYMAT)

Organization: Institute of Physics


(Courtesy of Institute of Physics, London, United Kingdom, via

21st DYMAT Technical Meeting/High-speed imaging for dynamic testing of materials and structures

Mon, Nov 18, 2013 - Wed, Nov 20, 2013

Institute of Physics

76 Portland Place, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2013, November, United Kingdom, Physics, London, Research Meeting UK, Imaging, Conference, Research

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