Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Women in Science Open Forum and Networking Social

Posted on Nov 9, 2013 2:04:00 AM

Women in Science Open Forum and Networking Social

Forum - New York City, United States

NYWiS, a consortium for graduate women in science in the greater NYC metropolitan area, is pleased to announce a partnership with the New York Academy of Sciences to provide women graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with professional development, networking, and educational opportunities.

Please join us for our launch event to meet fellow women in science from the greater NYC metropolitan area. The first hour will be an open forum to present and solicit ideas for future NYWiS events and programming. The second hour will be a networking social. All women in science are welcome to attend.

The goals of the NYWiS and NYAS partnership are to:

Bring together women in science (WiS) groups from across NYC for joint programming and events;

Be a resource for members wishing to create a WiS group at their own institutions;

Foster an open dialogue about women in science issues in NYC;

Provide opportunities for networking and mentorship across NYC institutions and disciplines;

Disseminate information about institutional WiS programming and events;

Give feedback to NYAS to enhance programming for women in science

Organization: New York Academy of Sciences


(Courtesy of New York Academy of Sciences, United States, via

Women in Science Open Forum and Networking Social

Mon, Nov 11, 2013 - Mon, Nov 11, 2013

New York Academy of Sciences

250 Greenwich Street, 40th Floor, New York City, United States

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Tags: 2013, science current events, November, women in science, United States, Forum, New York City

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