Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Mouse Models of Disease: Using pathology techniques to enhance phenotyping outcomes

Posted on Sep 9, 2013 2:56:00 AM

Mouse Models of Disease: Using pathology techniques to enhance phenotyping outcomes

Conference - Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom

This three-day meeting aims to bring together veterinary and human pathologists – together with scientists working with mouse models in academic and industrial research – to discuss the use of pathology and related in vivo techniques for phenotypic analysis of mouse models of disease. The programme will provide scientific, educational and training material.

The meeting will cover the investigation of three specific areas – embryonic lethal, CNS and haematopoietic phenotypes. Sessions will cover the normal background anatomy and development, sampling and investigative techniques relevant to these areas (including imaging). The meeting will also focus on the use of histopathology to define morphological phenotypes and distinguish them from common spontaneous changes in mouse strains.

Session titles
Evalution of embryos and neonatal mice
Characterising neurological and associated phenotypes
Evaluating haematopoietic and immune systems

Organization: Wellcome Trust


(Courtesy of Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Cambridge, United Kingdom, via

Mouse Models of Disease: Using pathology techniques to enhance phenotyping outcomes

5th - 7th February 2014
Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2014, research mice, United Kingdom, Immune System, Medicine, Hinxton, Research Meeting UK, Pathology, February, Life Sciences, Cambridge

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