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EMBO Practical Course on Image Processing for Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Posted on Aug 21, 2013 12:24:00 AM

EMBO Practical Course: 'Image Processing for Cryo-Electron Microscopy'

Course - Birkbeck, London, United Kingdom

Structural analysis by cryo EM has become a major tool for studying large macromolecular complexes. The use of field emission gun microscopes, imaging of samples at liquid nitrogen temperatures, and developments in image processing have led to improvements in the resolution of single particle structures from 20-30 Å to 6-10 Å. More complex processing is required to extract the higher resolution details. Cryo EM single particle analysis is an ideal complement to X-ray crystallography and NMR. Fitting of individual structures into cryo EM maps of large assemblies allows the characterization of multi-component interactions, to distinguish different functional states. This hybrid approach is essential for understanding biological mechanisms and is an important addition to structural genomics. New approaches developed for analysis of thin cells and cryo-sections by tomography extend the range of EM from individual complexes to cellular structures in situ.

The aim of the course is to teach the basic principles and practical aspects of image processing to bioscientists and structural biologists wishing to determine macromolecular structures by cryo electron microscopy (EM). The course will concentrate on processing of single particle images, and will be aimed at advanced PhD students and postdocs using cryo EM images for structural analysis


(Courtesy of Birkbeck University of London, via

EMBO Practical Course: 'Image Processing for Cryo-Electron Microscopy'

Tue, Sep 03, 2013 - Fri, Sep 13, 2013

Birkbeck University of London

Birkbeck, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, United Kingdom

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Tags: science current events, Microscopy, 2012, UK, September, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, London, Life Sciences

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