Do you know where to put your life science research marketing dollars in order to generate the biggest return on your investment? Are you looking to save time, increase your sales efficiency and keep up to date on university life science information? If so, consider taking advantage of the following complimentary services offered by Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. These services were specifically created for life science marketing managers and are as follows:
To introduce you to these three life science information resources, we have provided a sampling of the latest posts below.
Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. produces nationwide university life science events that connect laboratory supply companies to over $30 billion in research funding. Each year, more than 15,300 researchers from 2,339 departments and over 1,417 different research buildings across the nation attend our events. With the help of our publicity, your company’s brand can reach up to 500,000 corporate impressions annually through preshow print and electronic publicity. At our events, we provide a casual atmosphere to facilitate face-to-face interactions between researchers and exhibitors. Demonstrate your laboratory supplies and products at over 60 top research markets nationwide. See the 2013 schedule.